Announcing Angular Router Book

Victor Savkin
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2016


Victor Savkin is a co-founder of, providing Angular consulting to enterprise teams. He was previously on the Angular core team at Google, and built the dependency injection, change detection, forms, and router modules.

Yesterday we released the first RC of the Angular 2 Router! The router is stable: teams inside and outside Google use it today. And the final release is just around the corner.

If you have been following the project, you’ve seen that I’ve been publishing in-depth articles about the router on my blog. In addition to that, on weekends, I’ve been working on a book. It is the complete authoritative reference on everything there is to know about the router. And I think it is finally ready.

Today I’ve published the first version of this book on

This book is a comprehensive guide to the Angular 2 router. It goes far beyond a “getting started” tutorial and explores the library in depth, including the mental model, design constraints, subtleties of the API, and more. It reveals deep insights into why the router works the way it does.

I’m still applying the finishing touches on the book, which should take a few more weeks. But even after that I’ll continue working on it to ensure it stays up-to-date with future releases of Angular 2 and the router. It’s important to me that this book never be stale.

You can find the book here:

You can read some chapters for free, or buy the whole thing for a reasonable price. Please check it out and let me know what you think!

Victor Savkin is a co-founder of Nrwl — Enterprise Angular Consulting.

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Nrwlio co-founder, Xoogler, Xangular. Work on dev tools for TS/JS. @NxDevTools and Nx Cloud architect. Calligraphy and philosophy enthusiast. Stoic.